Services at CBWF
Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation provides primary health care services, focusing on the promotion of health and early diagnosis of common health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes. CBWF is a community health and wellness center, providing affordable, quality services.
The sliding fee program allows Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation (CBWF) patients who are uninsured or under-insured to receive healthcare services at a lower cost. We understand it’s not always possible for patients to be covered by health insurance, or that insurance may have high deductibles. CBWF offers a sliding fee program to assist patients who may not qualify for public benefits and/or who are not able to afford the full cost of healthcare. An annual grant from the Bureau of Primary Health Care provides the resources which enable us to assist patients who may not otherwise be able to afford their medical care and medications. Apply Now
Behavioral Health
Provides general counseling services for teens and adults. Individual, family and couples counseling is also available.
Intervention services respond and provide support to individuals age 9 and up who are perceived to be in crisis. Services include case management, treatment and peer support. Psychiatric care also available.
Provides outpatient counseling services for adults dealing with substance misuse/chemical dependency in developing skills to navigate the early recovery process.
Provides mental and substance misuse support to adults that includes, counseling, case management, peer support and medication-assisted treatment (Methadone).
Provides medication-assisted treatment (Suboxone), counseling and recovery support services for adults with active Opioid Use Disorder.
Community Health Outreach
The Rural Education & Awareness for Community Health program offers the 11 surrounding counties in the Coastal Bend education in opioid use, prevention and early intervention. REACH also provides Peer recovery support, Narcan training and care coordination.
The Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation offers free testing services for HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Hepatitis C along with linkage to HIV treatment, STI treatment, PrEP/nPep Access and Education & awareness.
The Red Cord Initiative is a prostitution diversion program that provides options other than jailtime to help sex workers access community resources and break the cycle of repeat offenses.
FallsTalk is a personalized behavior change intervention for anyone who has experienced a fall or regular loss of balance; regardless of walking ability, medical condition, mobility, or fitness level. This free program will help participants identify why they are falling and make changes to reduce or prevent falls
Bingocize® is a 10-week health promotion program that combines the game of bingo with fall prevention exercise. Come play bingo and meet with people while learning techniques to reduce falls.
For information and appointments please contact our Community Health Outreach Department by calling 361.814.2001 Ext. 208
Breast Friends
Breast Friends provides no cost prosthesis and mastectomy bras to women who have lost their breasts due to breast cancer. There is no cost for the service, although donations are welcomed.
Youth Programs
Project Turnaround provides an evidenced-based curriculum called Too Good For Drugs (TGFD) to 1st-12th grade students in 30-45 minute sessions, once a week, for 10 weeks. The TGFD curriculum teaches participants resiliency skills like goal-setting, how to resist peer pressure, good decision making, and effective communication. These skills are intended to help prevent youth from making the decision to use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Project HOPE is a community coalition addressing the use of alcohol, prescription drugs, and marijuana in Nueces County. Project HOPE’s purpose is to encourage community mobilization to implement evidence-based environmental strategies with the primary focus on changing polices and social norms in communities to prevent and reduce substance abuse.
HIV/AIDS Services
CBWF has an extensive network of providers that offer services to persons living with HIV/AIDS. As a community, our goal is to provide quality care and services that maximize the health and wellness of Coastal Bend residents living with HIV/AIDS.
Coastal Bend Pride Center
The Coastal Bend PRIDE Center is the first and only LGBTQIA+ community center south of San Antonio. Currently serving 12 counties within the Coastal Bend region, the Pride Center offers multiple social and support groups, health access, advocacy initiatives, and community education and training.