The Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation (CBWF) is a grass-roots, community based non-profit organization, with a long standing history of providing services to those in our community that are often disenfranchised, taking on causes to fill gaps in services that no other agency provides. Current services include primary health care, mental health and substance misuse programs, infectious disease testing, education and linkage to treatment, and evidence-based substance misuse prevention curriculum for youth.

Taking the Lead

  • The mission of the Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation is to take the lead in providing health and wellness initiatives through treatment, awareness, education, and advocacy.

  • To leave the world better then we found it.

  • Continuously fill in gaps of service for underserved people in our community.

    Encourage innovation by embracing and adapting with change.

    Rapidly respond to community needs in a holistic manner.

  • Honor our history and promote the service to the under resourced in our community.

    Encourage and honor diversity.

Our History


CBWF was founded in 1986, as the Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation, by a group of concerned citizens, who wanted to help people dying of AIDS. The group started by delivering food and blankets from the trunk of a car. As the disease became more chronic rather than acute, and funding became available for additional services, the agency grew to provide additional support services for those living with HIV and AIDS.


In 2012, the board of directors decided to change the name of the agency, to better fit the array of services provided. Today, the Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation still honors its founding members by providing HIV/AIDS specific medical treatment and support services, but also encompasses programs for the entire community.


In 2015, CBWF became a federally qualified health center. We now are proud to be able to provide primary health care to anyone, regardless of the ability to pay or insurance status. Since its inception, CBWF has consistently pursued development of service programs that translated its mission statement from a planning concept into action, moving it towards the reality of a seamless continuation of health care and support services for those most in need.

Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation receives HHS funding and has federal Public Health Service deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals.
For more information, please visit: 

​Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation recibe fondos de HHS y tiene un estatus de Servicio de Salud Pùblica federal con respect a ciertas reclamaciones de salud o relacionadas con la salud, incluidas las reclamaciones de negligencia médica, por sí misma y sus personas cubiertas. 
Para Mas informacion visita:


What is your cancellation policy?

Please call 24 hours ahead to cancel. CBWF is committed to providing quality healthcare to our community. When patients miss appointments or cancel last minute, we can not offer those slots to others. To ensure access to care for everyone here is our updated policy.

No-show and late arrival policy:
• Patients who miss three appointments without 24 hour advance notice will not be able to schedule via phone. Future appointments must be scheduled in person at one of our locations.
• Patients who arrive late may be asked to reschedule

Do you deliver prescriptions?

Yes, the CBWF Pharmacy provides free delivery. If you would like to make the switch to the CBWF Pharmacy, please talk to your provider.

I have a health-related question. Is it possible to have a confidential discussion with someone?

Yes, your conversations with our staff are kept private.

Who can receive care at CBWF?

The Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation provides care to everyone regardless of their insurance coverage or ability to pay.

What insurances do you accept?

CBWF accepts Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurance plans

What if I dont’ have insurance?

If you do not have insurance, we will help you qualify for our sliding-scale fee.

How do I make an appointment?

Please call our clinic at 361. 814.2001