Breast friends of the CBWF is a program that offers free prostheses and mastectomy bras to survivors of breast cancer. Our goal is to provide the products needed to allow women to cope and move forward with dignity and confidence. In addition, prosthesis help with posture, prevent shoulder drop, and problems with balance.
Our Products
Breast Friends uses Amoeana products. Amoena is a leader in the post- surgical breast care industry. Amoena’s goal is to help women find a solution after breast surgery that restores their natural silhouette, increases confidence, and feels as natural as possible.
Fitting appointments are currently available every Thursday. To schedule an appointment or to learn more about Breast Friends including how you can help support the program, contact Amy Goldson at 361.814.2001 or email amyg@cbwellness.org
We are able to serve hundreds of women in the Coastal Bend because of YOU and your donations. We cannot thank our donors enough for the support to keep the doors of this program open and available to the women in our lives.